Casa Gno Art Cards

Secret behind the shapes of numbers

Fun Art Cards for collectors and Curious People who've been wondering why numbers are shaped the way they are. More details in description section below.

Casa Gno Art Cards - Base 10 Ledge of Knowing


  • 38 Heavy Stock Cards
  • High quality, full-color, semi-gloss finish
  • Printed on both sides
  • 3.6 x 6.7 inches each
  • 1 Hard plastic storage box 4 x 7 inches


Introducing Casa Gno Art Cards which illustrate the reason behind the shapes of Base 10 numbers.

A reminder to humanity of our god-given register of bodily holes with astounding abilities called SCENT. The stuff of being!

The art cards are more than just cheeky illustrations about bawdy doors.

Discover the logic behind the names we call our next of kin. For example, father, mother, brother, sister, son, wife, groom and so on.


Follow up to >> Base 10 Ledge of Knowing << Art Book.

Visit the link above for further reading about the history of numbers. Also, some information about me and how I got started on this track in the first place.

Shipping Information and Videos See Below.

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You can have these cards for Free. Become a paid subscriber for one year and get these cards for free!

See Below


  • Ground shipping with Canada Post.
  • Shipping from Vancouver, BC Canada.
  • Regular Parcel Delivery includes Package Tracking.
  • *** If you want another carrier, please send me a note before anything else. See contact info at the bottom of page.


This is a brief introduction about Casa Gno art cards and little about me, Afsaneh Bahrmi the author and illustrator.

Trailer Two - We Gather Together

I know, I know. just about everyone will tell you, these signs are not special. They're merely a set of arbitrary squiggles used to measure the physical world, or to indicate a specific quantity, or to show an amount value in dollars and cents.

But what if these doodles are something more? What if they're nimble cryptograms pointing the way to the most ambrosial thing in all of the universe, namely scent.


You get a set of Casa Gno art cards for Free when you purchase a Founding Memeber Plus subscription to WritersBlot Studio on Patreon for one year.

This is time limited offer! A crazy good deal.

  • You get all 38 Art Cards for Free!
  • Free Shipping!
  • 1 Hard plastic storage box 4 x 7 inches!

Extra Notes

Thank you for making it this far down the page. Casa Gno arts cards are the result of many years of researching, rewriting, and re drawing a hunch I had many years ago.

The journey has been a series of mind blowing discoveries about ancient myths, modern religions and famous icons.

I hope you enjoy it.

With any luck, over the next little while, I will document all my findings, post them and be done with it.

But for now the journey must continue.

Check back often for updates, as this is an on-going project.

You can send feedback to contact (at) casagno (dot) com